Apply for a personal loan for School Fees, Wedding Expenses, Holiday Financing, Medical Expenses, Asset Finance, Funeral Expenses, Debt Consolidation or Personal Expenses


Minimum Requirements

  • Be 18 years or older;
  • Be a South African citizen or resident in South Africa;
  • Provide confirmation of your employment by your employer;
  • Be of good credit record and sound standing;
  • Your National Identification Document (ID) document for South Africa Citizens;
  • The most recent 3 months payslip;
  • The most recent 3 months bank statements;
  • Proof of residence or a document confirming your  residential address.

Turn around

  • Same day cash in your bank or card.

Basic Conditions

  • You can apply for any amount provided you can afford the financing;
  • Flexible repayment options - You have up to 3 months to repay the loan;
  • If your loan is approved, you can use it however you like - school fees, funeral expenses, holiday financing, much needed car repairs, renovations, account consolidation and more!